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Ready to Work at the Most Complete Facility Nursing School in Singapore

The purpose of college is to equip themselves to become work-ready graduates. However, the high level of competition and changes in the industry requires students to have experience while studying and become work-ready human resources.

Responding to these challenges, MDIS as the first private campus in Singapore opened a nursing program with the support of the most comprehensive facilities, including a nursing practicum laboratory. This anticipates the industry's demand for new skills which continues to grow and increase rapidly.

"Rich vocational experience is a company consideration when recruiting future workforce candidates. Our focus and strategy is on skills-based education to equip graduates to be successful in the global arena," said MDIS Secretary General Dr R Thevyendran when inaugurating the nursing laboratory.

The MDIS Nursing Practicum Lab is equipped with various supporting facilities for post-registered nurses in order to improve their skills. This inauguration is an effort by MDIS to develop a skill-based curriculum in order to meet the industry's needs for a ready-to-use workforce in the future in a global scope.

Practical labs are equipped with certified medical equipment and facilities, including signing Laerdal (Norway's largest manufacturer of medical equipment) and amalgamate simulation technology that nursing students can use to practice diagnostic procedures and methods in realistic medical scenarios. The mannequin can also be used for simulations on heart failure, narrowing of the lungs, and symptoms of other common illnesses, such as coughing.